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Contribute the software development !

The n.v.t. MX-3 is currently a non-profit organization. We are creating a freeware software especially, i.e. products which are completely free of charge. From them we have no profit other than a good feeling.
We would welcome your support in form of financial gift to the software development of new ones or the current products, theirs goal are to make your work easier.

You can support us by donating any amount through PayPal payment system supporting credit cardsPayPal podporované karty.

You can contribute a custom selected product:

How to
  1. Click the "Donate" button for the general contribution or to the selected product from the list above.
    You will be forwarded to the given PayPal payment.
  2. Fill the "Donation amount" field by the contributed amount and click the "Update Total" button.
    For operational reasons is possible to contribute in € (EUR) currency only.
  3. Log to the portal below, or register.
  4. Check the summary and send the contribution by button "Donate … EUR Now".
Don’t hesitate to contact the MX-3 technical support if necessary.
More about PayPal payment portal is available on

Bank transfer

The contribution is also possible to transfer to the bank account:
  • GE Money Bank, a.s.
    IBAN: CZ9206000000000198285856

  • Fio banka, a.s.
    IBAN: CZ1620100000002300268374

Thank you. The MX-3 team.

|  Last page update : 24.11.2014  |  © n.v.t. MX-3, 1992 - 2025  |  Optimized for IE 5.5 and later, Mozilla, Opera ; resolution min. 1024×768 ; 32bit colors  |